
29. My Guild Wish List

Guilds have been around for about six months now, so I thought I'd write out a short review and a "wish list" for improvements to this feature! Overview of Guilds On the surface, guilds are not a major change to the sandbox. Players could already create a network of friends through Discord, and since guilds provide no in-game socialization tools, successful guilds will continue to depend on third-party software such as Discord in order to chat with guildmates and organize crews for adventures. However, more personalization is always nice, and being able to create your own trading company is a lot of fun! It also allows for a bit of roleplaying. Readers of this blog will recall that I was able to  revive the Sea Dogs as an adventure faction thanks to guilds! Blurbs created the Pirate Council , a global "franchise" guild that attempted to take over the Sea of Thieves. Jon Bardcore showed how guilds have made it possible for players to create a Hunter's Call e

28. Instant Legendary Thief

The Quest for the Dodo continues to consume most of my creative energy, but I've been drafting a few blog posts in my spare moments... Going to start trying to get them polished and published! A few days ago, Rare announced that Season 11 Community Weekend  is just around the corner. It sounds like there will be an excellent update and a lot of new rewards coming, too. I can't wait! Community Weekend is always an excited time to play the Sea of Thieves. The Seas always feel active and exciting during these profitable weekends. Some of my greatest adventures have taken place during Community Weekends. The Sea of Thieves community really comes together on Community Weekends. The Seas always feel more active than usual, and there are many exciting adventures to be had! In fact, Season 10 Community Weekend was one of the best for me, full of great memories and excitement. The following story was perhaps the best and most exciting of those memories.  After about eight hours (!!!) p


🚨HUGE NEWS ON THE SEA OF THIEVES🚨 Season 10 has arrived at last and the Sea Dogs have RETURNED ! A while back, I wrote an article called " Remember the Sea Dogs ." In it, I suggested that the Sea Dogs might return as an Adventure mode faction. Season 10's Guilds, which allow you to create your own trading company, have made my dream of restoring the Sea Dogs possible. So watch out! Starting today (November 1st), 600 days after DeMarco closed the Arena, the Sea Dogs are back on the Sea of Thieves , now in Adventure mode! Want to learn more about our guild? The best way to learn about us is to poke around our Discord server as an Observer. Click this link to join our Discord server! The Sea Dogs have returned to the Sea of Thieves, now as an adventure mode faction! Won't you join us? Adventure Awaits! FAQs 1. Branding! I must know about the branding! Tell me about the branding! Certainly! Our official name is Ye Olde Sea Dogs ! We wanted

26. Introducing Wily Wally, Merchant Adventurer! (SOT "Lootless Run" Challenge, Day 1)

Ahoy, Mateys! I apologize for the lack of blog posts recently. I've been keeping very busy with the search for the Dodo ! But today, I'd like to introduce a new pirate on the Sea of Thieves, a protégé of Skipper Jimi: WILY WALLY PORTRAIT OF WILY WALLY, THE MAGNIFICENT MERCHANT ADVENTURER! I've made this pirate for a very specific purpose: To attempt the LOOTLESS RUN CHALLENGE  put together by the legendary PhuzzyBond himself! I thought this was a very interesting idea. How difficult would it be to reach Pirate Legend without selling a single piece of loot ? I decided to give it a try, and Wily Wally was born. Wily Wally will fly the Reaper Mark at all times on this challenge to make it... well, even more challenging! The Reaper Mark flag makes your ship visible to all on the map! Plotting Wally's Course First, I would have to decide which three factions to level up to 50. It would be impossible (I believe) to level up the hunter's call to level 50 without selling an

25. The Tragedy of Pendragon

  In November 2022, the majority of the Sea of Thieves community chose to banish Sir Arthur Pendragon to an obscure corner of the Sea of the Damned. He still remains there at time of writing. When will we see Pendragon again? Will he forgive the community, or will he return with vengeance? CONFIRMED: Pendragon is the LEAST POPULAR character on the Sea of Thieves! In the Return of the Damned adventure last November, the community was given a choice: Side with the Servant of Flame and resurrect Captain Flameheart OR side with Sir Arthur Pendragon and keep the wannabe tyrant OUT of the Sea of Thieves. The vast majority of the community sided with the Servant of Flame, and as a result Pendragon was banished indefinitely to the Sea of the Damned. The results were so overwhelming that, unlike Lost Sands, the first adventure where players were allowed to choose the course of the Sea of Thieves, Rare made the decision not to reveal the numbers. It must have been a landslide loss to Flameheart

24. Where's Dodo?

With the Hoarder's Hunt mystery solved, Skipper Jimi has devoted himself to a new mystery: the search for the mysterious Dodo bird. A few months ago, a dodo was briefly spotted on the docks at Ancient Spire Outpost, but it quickly disappeared. Some people believe it was a myth, but one clever pirate managed to capture this grainy image of the creature with a camera obscura: Although this dodo's visit to Ancient Spire Outpost was brief, he will never be forgotten! Jimi has taken it upon himself to search the Sea of Thieves for this creature! The Sea of Thieves takes place in the Caribbean, but the dodo bird was actually from the island that today we call Mauritius, near Madagascar. In the early 1500s, Portuguese sailors arrived on Mauritius, which was then uninhabited by humans. Captain Domingo Fernandez Pereira named it “Ilha Do Cerne" (Island of the Swan). Perhaps "swan" referred to the Dodo Bird! This famous portrait depicts what may have been the very first me

23. The Crowning Glory (Part 2)

Last week, I described how we were stuck on the final stage of the Hoarder's Hunt mystery. Well, yesterday (despite many misleading comments from Rare) a very clever pirate solved the mystery at last. Before continuing, be sure to read The Crowning Glory (Part 1) . How Far We Got on Day 1 On the first day of the mystery's final stage, Rare gave us a number of puzzles, which we quickly solved. The answers to the puzzles led us to a Twitter account (@HSEESALL) that had posted this peculiar parchment: We discovered this paper on Day 1 of the mystery... It stumped us for several days, and then Rare told us we were missing something, even though we really weren't... Look closely at the document. Every line starts with the letter of a compass direction: NSEW. Surely, these were directions of some kind. In addition, the Twitter account told us to account for EVERY coin, so the coins were obviously important too. At first, we wondered if the sets of coins might correlate to the lin