15. Custom Voyages

Skipper Jimi's Tall Tale Table, a masterpiece crafted by HundredPoet!

Recently, one of my crewmates (Poet), who is very gifted with some outlandish device called "Photoshop," created a tavern table where crews might vote on a Tall Tale based on the Voyages of Skipper Jimi. Needless to say, I was rather moved that someone took the time to make some Jimi fan art! 😍 Thanks, Poet!

In the picture, you can see two mementos that remind players of the Skipper: his iconic straw hat and a painting of his sloop, Ye Olde Sea Dog, parked at the Sea Dogs Tavern. Incidentally, the painting looks quite similar to a screenshot that appeared in a recent article on this blog: 11. Remember the Sea Dogs.

And of course, at the center of the table is a grimy old tome entitled "The Voyages of Skipper Jimi." (Is it just me, or is the book jacket the same color as Jimi's jacket?) 

Arr, what's this dusty ol' tome? The Voyages of Skipper Jimi, eh? What mischief lies between its covers?

Poet's picture made me wonder: Currently, players can bury treasure and give maps to other players, but what if we could make longer, custom voyages? And what would a Skipper Jimi voyage even look like? Well, I thought, what are my favorite things to do in the game? Here's my list (in no particular order)

  • Creating Mischief & Chaos
  • Swashbuckling
  • Stealing
  • Exploring islands
  • Doing riddle voyages

I imagine that a Jimi voyage would look something like this: The Pirate Lord (or Flameheart or whoever) would send you on some adventure. Jimi would arrive on the scene, make a mess of things, and maybe even make off with a few valuable trinkets. (That's my usual M.O.!) 

If he was in a playful mood, then after a bit of swashbuckling with the heroes Jimi might offer some sort of deal or game which may (or may not) reunite the heroes with their treasure (or some treasure). He'd probably create riddles that send pirates to explore some of his favorite islands on the Sea of Thieves.

Jimi can't get enough of Sea of Thieves riddle quests. Since the Season 7 captaincy update, he has stocked up on Riddle Bundles from the shipwright. Sailing around the Sea of Thieves solving riddles is a great way to relax after a long day of landlubber labors.

While it's fun to imagine, of course there will never be a Skipper Jimi custom voyage or tall tale in the Sea of Thieves... right? RIGHT?

Well, last week, I realized that Skipper Jimi's riddle-adventures actually happening might not be mere fantasy after all! I created an adventure for another crew on a whim, complete with unique riddles!

Unfortunately, a blunderbuss shot heard 'round the world prevented the quest from progressing in game, but the next day a kindly olive branch from the other crew sparked an idea. Perhaps they could work on the quest I designed through this blog.

Stay tuned! Custom voyages that YOU the reader can actually participate in are coming to this blog! Our inaugural voyage is set to launch next Sunday!

Next week, I will post the background story and the first riddle. Readers can progress the quest by posting their answer to each riddle in the comments section. Once they solve the first riddle, I will post the second riddle, and so forth, until the quest is complete. 

If successful, I'd like to make these kinds of riddle-adventures a regular feature on the blog. In any case, be sure to check back next week to see this exciting new feature on the Voyages of Skipper Jimi blog!
