16. Three Riddles for Captain Brackish Beard
Below is the tale of our encounter with Captain Brackish Beard and his scurvy crew! 1. Last Pirates Standing at Wanderer's Refuge Last week, I joined my friend Poet's sloop. He was at Wanderer's Refuge. We were not yet in voice chat, so he used the in-game chat wheel command to warn me: "Enemy here!" (Poet plays on Xbox and cannot type custom text messages.) I expected enemy pirates, but when I ran up to him I only saw ocean crawlers. I did not see any ships around the island. We seemed to be alone. Naturally, I concluded that he was referring to NPCs with his "Enemy here!" warning. But suddenly a wild pirate jumped out of the bushes and attacked us! While chasing this intruder around, I noticed a great mountain of treasure. It seemed to be the treasure of an Ashen Lord from the Ashen Winds world event. We managed to vanquish our foe, but I was low on health and died to the next ocean crawler. When I returned from the Ferry of the Damned, I was floating...