6. Community Days

Today was Season 8 "Community Day" in the Sea of Thieves, so it's only fitting that I write about this very special day.

What is Community Day?

Roughly one year ago (January 31, 2022), the Sea of Thieves celebrated its first Community Day. Throughout the day, the base amount of gold players received for selling treasure multiplied. It's a great day to amass treasure... or in true pirate fashion to let someone else do all the work so you can steal it and sell it for them in the end! 😇

There are also free flags, emotes, Twitch drops, and more for people who log in and participate during Community Day. Rare also hands out the coveted Hat of Unfeasibly Glorious Fame to particularly active and creative players during this day.

If you log in during Community Day, you will get a special flag. Jimi is proud to own all four of the flags so far, though he still likes the first one (the blue one) best! 

Comparing Community Day Rewards

The first Community Day was held during Season 5. Since then, every season has had its own Community Day. So far, each Community Day has had a unique theme:

Season 5: The gold multiplier was x3.5, the highest so far! This stacked with emissary and Gold Rush bonuses! Although Community Days usually only last for 24 hours, due to the mischief of the notorious Captain StrawberryBeard, the Season 5 Community Day was extended to 36 hours! Listen to the Ballad of StrawberryBeard here:

The Ballad of Captain StrawberryBeard, the Scourge of Season 5 Community Day

Season 6: This Community Day had a x3.5 Renown multiplier. While it was great for pirates who did not have much time to play during the rest of the season, for the rest of us it was the least interesting reward so far. Renown comes relatively easily through regular play, and due to Season 7 launch delays Season 6 became the longest season ever, lasting five months. (It was intended to be only three!) If any Season did not need a renown bonus, it was Season 6!

Season 7: Increased chances for encountering Ancient Skeletons. These skeletons drop Ancient Coins, which you can use to buy items at the Pirate Emporium. The only other way to get Ancient Coins is by spending real world money. I made about $8.00. I was very happy! 😁

Season 8: Very generous allegiance bonus for the new PVP factions. The PVP matchmaking lobby was at its best on this day. Even by losing battles you could make significant progress!

Which bonus was my favorite? It's a toss-up between Seasons 7 and 8, but I lean toward 8. While Ancient Skeletons are one of the most exciting things in the game, Season 8 Community Day's reward was much more consistent. It was exciting to feel the bonus throughout the day.

In any case, the Community Day rewards (and server performances) overall seem to be improving each season. I'm looking forward to Season 9 Community Day!

Season 7 (Ancient Skeletons) and Season 8 (PVP Allegiance Bonus) have had the best Community Day rewards thus far!

How Jimi Spent Season 8 Community Day

Needless to say, Jimi had a grand time during Community Day! He sailed with two of his favorite brigantine crews, and he also had a few solo adventures. His three most memorable achievements of the day were:

  • Persuading Merchant emissaries who were stacking sunken ship quests to hand over their ledgers. We assumed they had only one... but they handed us two! We did not expect such generosity, but of course it would have been rude to refuse, so we gladly accepted!)

  • Stealing a Gilded Athena Voyage. We sank a Rank 5 Athena emissary. They had a rowboat filled with a huge stack of treasure... While selling it, we were shocked to find three Chests of Legends buried deep in the pile!
  • Reaching Rank 50 in the Servants of Flame. In the final battle of Community Day, a third-party ship appeared on the scene and attacked me and my opponent. We had already turned each other's boats into Swiss cheese, so the newcomers were able to sink us both easily... My opponent sank first, so it counted as my win and I hit Rank 50! As he went down with his ship, my salty opponent indignantly shouted, "TEAMERS! TEAMERS!" 😂 It was a fun way to end Community Day!

My biggest laugh during Community Day was probably a lucky sniper shot on a rival crew. Usually, pirates in the Sea of Thieves fall down after dying... but this fellow flew right off the bowsprit! 😅 See it for yourself in the video below!

Even death could not stop this pirate. He flew 20 feet after being killed!

The Lonely Pirate

Finally, I should give honorable mention to a Lonely Pirate we adopted during our adventures on Community Day. We found this poor soul soloing a galleon against a skeleton fleet. He joined our brigantine crew. During a battle with another brigantine that had emerged from the depths to attack us (we had the PVP hourglass activated), Jimi boarded the enemy ship. One of them shouted on an open mic, "These guys are insane! It's almost like they have four people on that brig!" If only he knew... 😇

Not every pirate has mateys to sail with during Community Day. Don't forget the lonely pirates who share our Sea of Thieves. Try adopting one as your good deed for Community Day! I guarantee they will be an excellent and loyal addition to your crew!
