Golden Dodo Eggs

Below is a list of the Discoverers of the Golden Dodo Eggs!

Jimi obtained one Golden Dodo Egg from the Gold Hoarders... The other 99 are said to be on the mysterious Dodo Island. Can you help him find them on Twitter? If you discover a Golden Dodo Egg, your achievement will be immortalized below!

You can navigate old dodo tweets here!

1.    @Squigg1ePen (Day 347, riddle leading to chest on Old Faithful)

2.    @SeaClues (Day 379, visible only during blast)

3.    @MurpheyLives (Day 382, 385, hiding in plain sight)

4.    @MurpheyLives (Day 388, First Pirate Leader Challenge)

5.    @MurpheyLives (Day 388, First Pirate Leader Challenge)

6.    @MurpheyLives (Day 388, First Pirate Leader Challenge)

7     @Vanko125 (Day 391, end of the road)

8    @SeaClues (Day 394, fried or scrambled?)

9    @Pandabananawiz (Day 397, behind the wagon wheel)

10  @CaptLongSharts (Day 401, in the mug)

11  @CaptLongSharts (Day 406, atop the tent)

12  @HeSlashThem (Hidden at SoT Fest 2024)

13  @CaptLongSharts (Day 411, on the cliffside)

14  @CaptLongSharts (Day 417 (mislabeled 416), skull's gold tooth egg)

15  @CaptLongSharts (Day 424, in the portrait)

16  @Vanko125 (Day 426, in a window)

17  @Padox08SoT (Day 426, in a window)

18  @CaptLongSharts (Day 427, lunar)

19  @Gatecrashgaming (Day 431, golden tooth egg)

20  @SeafoamCozy (Day 440, in the wood pile)

21  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 442. We need people to create a clever retort to the Poacher's insult. If we can defeat him, we will get an egg!)

22  @CaptLongSharts (Day 442, disguised as a firefly!?)

23  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 445)

24  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 445)

25  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 447)

26  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 460. We need people to create a clever retort to the Poacher's insult. If we can defeat him, we will get an egg!)

27  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 464)

28  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 466. We need people to create a clever retort to the Poacher's insult. If we can defeat him, we will get an egg!)

29  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 467)

30  @CaptainGG_R (Day 472, in the corner)

31  Yet to be Awarded! (Day 480) (Solve the puzzle to steal Item of Value™ from Stan and earn the egg from the Pirate Leaders! Check Days 488, 490, 492, and 495 for hints!)

32  @CaptainGG_R (Day 482, there's something in my eye!)

33  @CaptLongSharts (Day 488, hidden behind furniture)

34  @CaptainGG_R (Day 489, beneath the chest)

35  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 492)

36  @SeaClues (Day 493, gone fishin')

37  @CaptainGG_R (Day 495, boiling in lava)

38  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 498)

39  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 510)

40  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 511)

41  @CaptainGG_R (Day 512, among the boards, on the right)

42  @CaptainGG_R (Day 513, chandelier)

43  @CaptainGG_R (Day 518, fireworks)

44  @MurpheyLives (Day 519, "Under the Rock")

45  @CaptainGG_R (Day 520, hanging from ceiling with lanterns)

46  @CaptainGG_R (Day 521, 0:07)

47  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 523)

48  @CaptainGG_R (Day 526, hidden in the foliage)

49  @CaptainGG_R (Day 528, hidden in the foliage on the left)

50  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 530)

51 @MurpheyLives (Day 534, hanging from the hat)

52  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 537)

53  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 539)

54  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 544)

55  @CaptLongSharts (Day 546, on some rocks by the beach)

56  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 547)

57  @MurpheyLives (Day 551, "X Marks the Egg")

58  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 556)

59  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 557)

60  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 557)

61  @CaptLongSharts (Day 559, in the net)

62  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 560)

63  @CaptainGG_R (Day 562, on the ship crest)

64  @CaptainGG_R (Day 563, candle)

65  @CaptainGG_R (Day 565, in the flower)

66  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 566)

67  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 572)

68  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 574)

69  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 576)

70  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 577)

71  @MrWarskull (Day 579, below Jimi)

72  @MrWarskull (Day 580, hidden in bottom left rock!)

73  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 582)

74  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 583)

75  @CaptainGG_R (Day 584, below shadow of caged golden monkey head)

76  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 585)

77  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 586)

78  @CaptainGG_R (Day 587, skewered by a spear)

79  @lfgiraldo2005 (Day 588, hidden in tree roots near water)

80  @lfgiraldo2005 (Day 589, in sand right of the broken mast)

81  @CaptainGG_R (Day 590, adorning bed headboard)

82  Yet to be Discovered! (Day 592)


















