12. An Unexpected Adventure
My voyage began as a shopping trip by myself at Dagger Tooth Outpost. It ended on a Skeleton Throne atop Marauder's Arch. How did it come to this? 1. A Sovereign Snafu I had already been playing Sea of Thieves all day, and it was time to get some mundane landlubber work done. The pillaging and plundering would have to continue tomorrow... Oh! But then I noticed this interesting question online posed by one Captain Chara: How much gold did your pirate's outfit cost? Intrigued, I logged into Sea of Thieves just to check on this. As you can see below, Jimi's outfit, haircut, and beard were all quite reasonable: a mere 31,425 gold. Jimi's outfit is simple, inexpensive, and (hopefully) distinctive. I find that the "exclusive" cosmetics in Sea of Thieves tend to be overused. Try to mix in some simple pieces to make your pirate stand out! The shirt and hat were season rewards and are not available at time of writing, but they will likely be made available to all for...