
Showing posts from January, 2023

4. How to Enjoy Season 8

Some pirates will remember Sea of Thieves Season 8 as that season they spent an eternity in underwater purgatory waiting in queue for battle. But constantly diving underwater to attack other pirates is not the only way to experience Season 8. You can also use Season 8's PVP tools to add some zest to your organic adventures on the Sea of Thieves. Jimi thinks, "1-2 minutes? More like 1-2 hours..." 1. Seamless Server Hopping Whenever you emerge from the waves to attack another ship using Season 8's matchmaking system, you are loading onto a new server. When the queue times are quick (and Rare is continuing to make improvements), you will sometimes find yourself on a new server in a matter of seconds .  Nevertheless, in their quest for the coveted ghost and skeleton curses, many pirates have been slow to notice this huge development in the game. I've even seen pirates choose to dive down for another fight rather than join the fray over an active Fort of the Damned. I

3. A Suggestion for Mysteries

The Problem I'd like to continue last week's topic of mysteries .  One year ago, Rare announced two new features in Sea of Thieves: Adventures and  Mysteries . The mysteries are supposed to be very difficult and require a whole community effort to solve. So far, we've had only one mystery: the murder of Demarco. I do enjoy a good mystery, so I was excited about this, but in the end the Demarco mystery was a little difficult for a simple picaroon like Jimi to contribute much anything at all. Every day, I checked online for new clues. On more than one occasion, I would find that a new clue had been released AND solved all while I was sleeping! 😴 I was surprised to hear that even many well-known lore-focused content creators lost interest in the mystery early on. A small, dedicated group was able to solve it, and their efforts are praiseworthy. But I hope that future mysteries will be accessible to a wider audience. I think the idea of a mystery for the community to progres

2. Fort of Mysteries

Introduction Have you ever been a pirate-detective on the Sea of Thieves? Last year, Rare announced that they would start adding mysteries to the Sea of Thieves. So far, there has only been one mystery, the murder of Demarco. But you don't have to wait for the next official mystery, because there are countless player-made mysteries that you can discover and solve in the game everyday! Two days ago, my friend Poet and I joined a complicated battle for a Fort of Fortune (FoF). At least five crews got involved, and things were not always as they appeared. During our voyage and in the 48 hours since it ended, Poet and I have pored over evidence and videos trying to make sense of what happened. We've figured out most of the mysteries, but there are some that remain unsolved. Perhaps you can help us with them! Who knows what adventures await us at the Fort of Fortune! (See the eclipse?) Mystery #1: Who was the Red Skeleton? (SOLVED) As we battled the final bosses of the FoF, a solo s

1. Meeting Skipper Jimi

Skipper Jimi  is my pirate in the  Sea of Thieves , a video game on PC and Xbox. This blog is a journal of his misadventures on the Sea of Thieves! Skipper Jimi with his hurdy-gurdy On Christmas 2020, I received a mysterious gift—a video game I had never heard of called Sea of Thieves . The holidays kept me busy for a few weeks, but I finally got around to installing it in January. Logging in, I was presented with a motley crew of despicable scoundrels. I had to pick one of these randomly generated degenerates to be my avatar forever on the Sea of Thieves. There are millions of pirates on the Sea of Thieves, but thanks to the "infinite pirate generator" every one of them is unique! I scrolled through the characters until I met an edentulous old man playing a rickety old hurdy-gurdy. Although the man and the instrument looked as if they had already seen a fair share of adventures, they seemed to be telling me that they were ready for one more. I immediately felt a connection w