4. How to Enjoy Season 8
Some pirates will remember Sea of Thieves Season 8 as that season they spent an eternity in underwater purgatory waiting in queue for battle. But constantly diving underwater to attack other pirates is not the only way to experience Season 8. You can also use Season 8's PVP tools to add some zest to your organic adventures on the Sea of Thieves. Jimi thinks, "1-2 minutes? More like 1-2 hours..." 1. Seamless Server Hopping Whenever you emerge from the waves to attack another ship using Season 8's matchmaking system, you are loading onto a new server. When the queue times are quick (and Rare is continuing to make improvements), you will sometimes find yourself on a new server in a matter of seconds . Nevertheless, in their quest for the coveted ghost and skeleton curses, many pirates have been slow to notice this huge development in the game. I've even seen pirates choose to dive down for another fight rather than join the fray over an active Fort of the Damned. I...